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How to Take Your Insurance Career to the Next Level

3 years ago by Gravitas Recruitment Group
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Roles in the insurance sector can be varied and fulfilling for people who have a keen interest in finance and an analytical mindset. As a field that has continually progressed and thrived over recent years despite the setbacks of the Covid-19 pandemic, interest in insurance careers, particularly for those professionals looking for ‘stable’ jobs has also risen. Whether you are starting in this business sector or are looking for a change of role and want to increase your marketability, we have advice and tips to help you take your insurance career to the next level.

Look at Your Transferable Skills

The insurance industry is facing a talent crisis at a global level with 53% of insurance company CEO’s stating that focusing on finding future leaders was a key reason for increased recruitment drives in the sector according to PWC’s annual CEO survey. As a result, it is a great time to evaluate your experience and skills and see what you could currently offer a potential employer. This will also give you a good idea of areas where you may be lacking such as in core soft skills. 

To develop these skills and ensure you are levelling up, try looking for relevant training courses, education resources or ways to build on your talents such as participating in a public speaking or debating class to improve communication skills or doing voluntary or community work for an excellent reference point about problem solving and teamwork. 

Demonstrate Your Commitment to Growth 

Growing your skills and building a strategy for future growth is only helpful if the people you are trying to impress are aware of your commitment to personal development. Companies want to hire employees that are always open to new experiences and are key to learn rather than those who believe they already know it all. Most interviews include questions around overcoming challenges or personal achievements you are proud of and this may be a good opportunity to demonstrate what you have done to grow professionally. 

Get Your Name Noticed 

Networking, tying in with talking about your growth, getting your name and skills known is an important step in taking your career to the next level. Make sure your professional social platforms such as LinkedIn include relevant, up to date information and key words in your profile around your job role so you can be found in searches, for example; Underwriter, IFRS17 Project Manager, Pricing Actuary, ALM Actuary, Loss Adjuster or Bancassurance; and post about topics that will help you expand your insurance network with useful contacts. You can read our guide to using WeChat to help find an insurance career for more suggestions.

Knowing that you want to keep progressing with your insurance career is one thing, but making it happen is another. Set out a clear plan of what you would like to achieve as an end-goal and how you will get there. If you are not sure how to start, look at the previous steps listed like improving your skills, knowledge and overhauling your online presence and factor them in to help give you structure to your action plan.

Take Your Career to the Next Step

To make sure you find the insurance job that is right for you, talk to our dedicated consultants in the insurance recruitment team who will help match you to your perfect position.

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